Green Chair Project
January 25, 2024
Moving is never easy, and we are doing all that we can to help people coming to Hayes Barton Place! Yesterday, we hosted a “Downsizing Event” at The Green Chair Project at which Charter Club Members and Priority Partners met three local “downsizing” companies who shared information about what they can do to assist with moves to HBP. We also enjoyed a tour of The Green Chair Project and learned about the wonderful services they provide to residents of Wake County. Events like this are invaluable as they help us to build the HBP community, educate about resources such as The Green Chair Project, and help people as they prepare for the move to Hayes Barton Place.
#libertyseniorliving #hayesbartonplace #lifeplancommunity #seniorliving #raleigh #greenchairproject #rightsizingraleigh #heretohome #moveelderswithease